It's official - the Anna reversible kimono jacket might just be the most versatile jacket we've ever made! This relaxed kimono style jacket is the sort of item everyone should own. It transitions from a serious jacket for a day in the office, to drinks with the girls with ease. It’s it’s fully reversible, and looks amazing whichever way you wear it. Yup - this is one jacket does the job of two - which means great cost per wear, especially when you consider it’s only £58. And think of the space you'll save in your wardrobe too!
One side of the reversible Anna kimono jacket is a smart black with printed trim detailing, while the other side is printed with our highly rated black, white and yellow diamond print. It’s got long sleeves that can be rolled up, and a removable printed belt.
This is made from the most amazing textured 100% sustainable cotton fabric that feels great to the touch. Over 5,000 women helped us design the Anna jacket, and buying one funds a child to learn to read and write in India for 2 months.